For many Oklahoman’s who’ve dived deep into their local music scene, watching it grow and flourish, Tulsa natives Sports are an absolute treasure, the ultimate western but make it cool, band. Sports have been playing together for a little over 5 years (in which we’ve adored them at Norman Music Festival and around the metro), and more recently have begun a US tour for their newest album Everyone’s Invited.

When I saw the words “Norman, we’re coming home”, my heart literally swelled with that good Oklahoma pride, which seldom comes these days. Sports Homecoming show did not disappoint. The show was at Norman’s very own Opolis, decked out with fabric head to toe like I’d never seen it, and long metallic streamers. Sports came onto the stage matching in their signature western attire, a silver jumper with red fringe. Their set was interactive and eclectic, coming out into the crowd with all of us singing every word. As they left the stage the crowd, almost too large, spilling out of the space, roaring for just one more, which they happily complied.

Sports homecoming was a celebration where we were all connected and felt proud to be who and where we are.