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My name is Jaclyn (Jacky) Buys and I’m ½ of Lovers Spit! Averi (the other half) and I chose to create this publication in the Spring of 2019 due to both of our ridiculous unrequited love of music and art and the culture it’s created.

Averi and I met in the Summer of 2018 and bonded over our immediate similarities, oddly enough our first time hanging out together was a concert. We seem to be opposite sides of the same coin, eerily similar while also having great differences, but that’s what makes us a dream team. We both came from a background of music, photography (our most favorite is concerts) and graphic design, among other things. The next step in both of our creative careers was obvious in front of us, and thus the concept of Lovers Spit was born.

Across the board we plan to share one thing: ART.

From musicians global to local, to paintings, to film, to graphics, to photography, anything that can be considered art, will be.

This is a magazine about being alive.

We plan to post regularly on our website / instagram while also publishing a magazine (hopefully) three times a year minimum.

THIS IS A MAGAZINE ABOUT PEOPLE JUST LIKE YOU, YOU READING THIS RIGHT NOW! So don’t be shy, feel free to hit the submissions tab and share some of what’s in your mind with us, we’re eager to hear.



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