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Interview with Love Seats

Love Seats is an indie-pop duo from Oklahoma City. The band consists of cousins Ashton Gary and Ethan Wilcox, who have been playing together for 3 years.

Ashton is 20, graduating from ACM@UCO, and plays rhythm guitar, drums, keys, and sings. Ethan is 18, graduating from Bethany High School, and plays lead guitar, bass, acoustic, and keys. 

We recently met up with Love Seats and asked them a few questions about their music, inspiration, and current projects

Ashton-left, Ethan-right.

How did you meet and what made you want to start making music together?

A: I've known Ethan for as long as i can remember, he started playing guitar and helping me write songs. After that it kinda just happened.

E: We were really liking the songs that we were writing, and as we wrote more, we realized we could make something cool.

What inspired the name Love Seats?

A: I started writing down band names, and then I asked Ethan which one he liked and that’s what we went with.

E: We also think it subconsciously came from a beck song, can't know for sure.

Who have been some of you biggest inspirations, music and otherwise?

A: I was listening to a lot of Conor Oberst, Andy Shauf, The Shins, and Whitney whenever i was writing the songs. Some of my favorite music is that 70's singer songwriter stuff like Paul Simon and Billy

Joel though.

E: George Harrison is a huge one, bands like Whitney and Ultimate Painting really influenced the way I play guitar. The inspiration for our production was mainly Jonathan Rado, Andy Shauf, and Mac DeMarco.

What inspired you to get into music?

A: I've always kinda wanted to make music. I started writing songs in high school then eventually found myself wanting to get into production. My dad showed me a bunch of music when I was growing up and always supported me wanting to play guitar, so I guess it was just my love of music that inspired me to get into it.

E: Honestly wanted to start playing guitar when I saw ashton doing it. I saw a video of Jimi Page playing guitar with a bow around that same time, and that's what made me pick it up. Still need to go get a bow, next album.

Are you working on any other projects currently?

A: We recently started a new project with friends Tim Miller and Alec Hamil, named Chelsea Days. We have a bunch of songs written, a couple demos recorded, and we plan to get some music out here pretty soon.

E: We're always recording, so more projects are bound to happen. We want to always be working on something to release, whether it be them, with some friends, or even solo.

And finally, what can we expect coming up from Love Seats?

A: We plan to release a couple singles here pretty soon. I'm excited to get some new music out, we learned a lot from recording the last record, so we are ready to make something better.

E: We're also arranging more gigs coming up for the summer, really want to start playing more house shows. You can follow our instagram for show announcements and info about upcoming releases.

You can follow Love Seats on instagram @loveseatsband.

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